Welcome to Pack 303
Hello New Pack 303 Family!
We look forward to you joining us! Here is some basic information and links to help get you started. You can reach out to your new den leader to answer any questions you have. It will also be helpful to share with them your contact information as well as any other information that you feel is important to know about your scout, such as dietary restrictions or medical concerns.
Our pack website has some basic information and links.
We also have a Facebook page which contains some upcoming events as well as photos after the events. Please follow/like the page if you're on Facebook.
The pack website contains a Google Calendar that you can import/link to your personal calendar. If you are joining at the beginning of the school year, be on the lookout for the "Welcome to Scouting" night. This is a great time to meet other families in the pack and hear about the activities for the year.
Cub Scouting is a year-round, family-oriented program designed for boys and girls who are in Kindergarten through 5th grades. Each grade is assigned a rank.
K = Lion
1 = Tiger
2 = Wolf
3 = Bear
4 = Webelos
5 = Arrow of Light
Each rank will typically have one den but could have multiple dens if there are a large number of scouts. Dens will meet 1-2 times a month to develop friendships and work on requirements for their rank. After achieving the final rank, Arrow of Light, the scouts will "crossover" from the cub scout pack to join the BSA scout troop to start their advancement on the path to Eagle Scout.
All the dens come together as a "Pack" typically 2 times a month. These pack events are designed as an adventure and we aim to have at least one event happen outdoors. All family members are welcome to attend unless specifically mentioned. The scheduled pack events are on the pack calendar. However, the events are subject to change depending on weather, COVID or impromptu adventures that might arise.
We aim to have all the requirements for the rank completed by the end of May. Don’t worry if your scout misses a den meeting. You can work with your den leader to help understand the requirements. They may offer an alternate time to help, or you can work on it with your scout directly. We live by the Cub Scout motto "Do Your Best" since we know that some activities can be challenging for kids. Cub Scouts is meant to be an introduction to the variety of activities and adventures.
Scoutbook (https://scoutbook.scouting.org/) is the application we use to track advancement for the scouts. You will need to create an account so that your scout can be awarded any achievements they have completed. This will also help you check on your scout's advancement and mark items complete that you do as a family.
Your initial registration fee includes $20 per scout for the pack. However, this does not cover the entire costs of the pack. We do a popcorn fundraiser from late September through October to raise money so the pack can provide handbooks, slides, neckerchiefs, belt loops, badges and pinewood derby cars. It also helps us afford activities like the Fall Field Trip, Base Camp, Hayrides and the Blue & Gold ceremony. We ask scouts to meet a goal in selling $150 worth of popcorn. It’s a good experience for scouts to help contribute to the pack as well as a good opportunity for them to meet neighbors!
The pack will provide a t-shirt, neckerchief, neckerchief slide, and rank specific handbook for your scout upon joining and you should receive these at your first pack or den meeting. You will be asked to purchase a scout uniform shirt (and a few patches) from the scout shop. Get the blue shirt for Cub Scouts unless you're in the Arrow of Light rank. The uniform is offered in both a long and short sleeve, but we recommend the short sleeve. You can get this online via https://www.scoutshop.org/ or visit one of their stores (https://www.scoutshop.org/storelocator).
You will also need to get these patches:
Northern Star Council Shoulder Patch (The council came out with a new patch last year so it may look different)
World Crest Scout Emblem
The 1910 World Crest Ring Emblem (This is optional, but the kids tend to like having more patches)
Get 2 Unit Numeral 3:
Get 1 Unit Numeral 0:
We also recommend getting a cub scout belt since they earn "belt loops" for each adventure. Having them all on the scout belt is a good way for them to showcase their awards.
Lastly, Scouting is not just a fun activity for your scout but also for you! Scouting can help introduce many activities like biking, fishing, and hiking that you can continue to share with your scout well beyond their scouting years. Get the most out of it by being active participant. The pack is run by parents of our scouts and together we can provide a great scouting experience for our pack.
Look here to for ways you can help at pack events:
Look here to see open volunteer leadership positions:
Happy Scouting!
Pack 303